Feliz Dia del Amor y la Amistad!

Hello sweet readers,

Happy day of love and friendship to you!  Here are some valentines I made with Lil Dude for his party at school.  One of my creative goals for 2014 is to make at least three things with my new sewing machine... I think this counts. (See how we stitched on the eye patches?) 

I got the  idea here, if you're curious.  I'm so happy Lil Dude and I did something crafty together... I'm always dreaming of stuff like this, but he tends to prefer something like foam sword fighting when given a choice of activities.  He did get into operating the sewing machine, though, for a little while at least.

Another one of my goals for 2014 involves my new manuscript!  I won't give you details yet, but I will say that there's a three-legged skunk in it (as a very minor, but devilishly cute character.)  Here's a little vintage skunk figurine I found at my favorite flea market shop.  I kept him on my desk for inspiration while writing.

Thanks for swinging by! Hugs and hearts to you!
